Book Companion

Images and Illustrations

Tables of Content and Foursomes


Webpage Links

Images and Illustrations

The Cradled Position

  • Eyes are covered 
  • Neck is supported but head is on bed
  • Knees are elevated and heels touch so legs form diamond
  • Elbows supported (if necessary)
  • Hands hold crotch, but stay in place when relaxed

What's with the logo?

Descending Relaxation -
Ribcage (green heart chakra)
Belly (yellow solar plexus)
Sacral Chakra (orange)

Neurographic Logo

A doodle of lines imitating the connections of neurons in the brain

Looking into the Void

My attempt to draw what I see in the blindfolded darkness.

Cover Image

Hand position for meditation (on the bus!) Right-hand fingers hold left-hand ring finger.

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Seven Chakras

Crown - Purple (or white) Third Eye - Indigo
Throat - Blue
Heart - Green
Solar Plexus - Yellow
Sacral - Orange
Base - Red

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Heart Chakra

The centre of love.
With hands in prayer position, thumbs touch heart.

Joy Mandala

A test run for new colour pens on a slow lockdown day.

Spirit vision

In meditation once I saw two streams vapour intermingling in a rising spiral

Dot Doodle


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Muscles linking the upper leg bone (femur) to spine and pelvis

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Extensor muscle

The fingers are not moved by muscles in the hand (shown) but by muscles in the upper forearms (not shown)

Spider Hands

Try accessing profound relaxation with hands self-supporting

Table of Contents - in a Matrix






My Practice

Ch 1: Cradled Meditation

Ch 4: Going Higher

Ch 7: Going Stronger

Ch 11: Going Broader

Detail and Background

Ch 2: Accessing the Glow

Ch 5: Energy Loop

Ch 8: Foundation Practices

Ch 11: My Several Journeys

Ch 13: Paradoxes and Circular Definitions

Guided Sessions

Ch 3: First Cradle Meditation

Ch 6: Twitch and Shout

Ch 9: Becoming the Cradle

Ch 12: Accessing Joy


Table of Foursomes - Levels of inputs and outputs in Cradle Meditation










Look into the void
(Third-eye chakra)

Visualise the feeling

Exhale and Relax the body

Bask in the Glow


Flat resting on thighs


(Heart chakra)


Pause after exhale to Surrender

Spasm in Energy Loop


Finger on other hand


(Solar Plexus chakra)


Deepen inhale to Energise the body

Your body is a Vessel


Spider Fingers

Mid-hip point

(Sacral chakra)

Move or shudder

Soften breath to Contain the energy

Bundle of Joy

References and Links

A community, a school, an institution - promoting love and connection by Jason and Ingo

Do-it-yourself joint pain

Self-massage of every joint in the body by Gary Cowley

Trigger Point Therapy

The Trigger Point Therapy Workbook: Your self treatment guide for pain relief - Clair Davies (Amazon link)

Landmark Forum

Personal growth workshops.

US Navy Seal sleep technique (para-phrased)

This is like a meditation and can help 96% of people fall asleep within 2 minutes.

1. Relax the muscles in the face including the tongue, jaw and muscles around the eyes. (Keep teeth slightly apart and don’t frown or smile.)
2. Let the shoulders drop as far as possible away from the ears.
3. Relax the upper part of the arm on one side and then the other.
4. Breathe out and relax the chest.
5. Relax your legs, starting from the thighs and down to the lower legs.
6. Visualise lying in a canoe on a calm lake with nothing but a clear blue sky above you.
7. or Visualise that you are curled up in a hammock in a pitch-black room.
8. Repeat the words “Don’t think. Don’t think. Don’t think.” in your head for 10 seconds….zzz

canoe, lake, forest-3794288.jpg

Bob Dylan

"My hands can't feel to grip, wait only for my boot heels to be wandering"

Oscar Wilde

"Just because someone died for something, doesn't make it true."

Quentin Crisp

If you want to be a writer, don't read.

Albert Einstein

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